Thursday 3 March 2016

#SOL16 Day 4 Six Word Memoirs

I first learned about six word memoirs when I was training to be a graduate school instructor through NYSUT's Education Learning Trust, while almost 8 months pregnant with my son. My 6 word memoir then was: "New chapters, about to be written." We were supposed to introduce ourselves to the rest of the group through our six word memoir. 

Tonight, words aren't flowing easy as exhaustion sets in.  Another night where my bulging work bag won't find any release, the papers will remain inside, undone. I don't know what thoughts I can string together to say anything very meaningful, yet I've promised to write and share for 31 days. Stuck on Day 4 for inspiration, so six word memoirs to the rescue. 

Here are some key moments in my life, told through six word memoirs:

Childhood: My world a safe, happy place. 

High School: Goody Two Shoes, broke no laws

College: Get knocked down, get up again

First year teacher: Not what I hard

Meeting & dating my husband: All the things I always wanted

Buying our house: Built-in bookshelves spell home to me!

Pregnant with Alex: Dream I'd been chasing came true

Alex born: Alex's mommy: my new job title

Pregnant with Megan: Surprise miracle- eternally grateful for her

Megan born: Family of four equals double work!

Switch from kindergarten to third grade: A change will do you good

Being named co-author at Two Writing Teachers: Professional dream come true...pinch me! 

Happy Friday Friends!

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