Wednesday 2 March 2016

#SOL16 Day 3 Organization Is Just Not My Thing

A song that I hold dear is "My Favorite Things" from "The Sound of Music." I must admit, I've sung it to myself at many times in my life, when I needed to feel braver. This morning, as I was thinking about the desperate need to sort all the piles of books and papers in my classroom that seem to have multiplied many times over, I started composing a song to the tune of "My Favorite Things." With apologies to Rodgers and Hammerstein, here is my song, dedicated to all the pilers and stackers out there:

"Organization Is Just Not My Thing"

Fluency worksheets: addition, subtraction,
Piles of papers requiring action.
Picture books scattered, still more I do bring,
Organization is just not my thing.

Binders and clipboards and homework to grade,
Wrong unit anchor charts starting to fade.
Colored paper, pipe cleaners, beads we don't string,
Organization is just not my thing.

At report card time,
Winter, spring, fall,
When administrators come by,
I wish I had put it all
In the closet in the hall! just not my thing!

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