Tuesday 15 March 2016

#SOL16 Day 15 The Drop-Off Mom

Today I get to be the drop-off mom, the mom who doesn't rush out the door with work bags and lunch bags a good hour and a half before her kids leave for their little red schoolhouse. Today I get to make them pancakes (ok, microwave the ones my mom made for them) and make sure their teeth are brushed and put them in their carseats and drop them off at school. Today I get to smile at their teachers and see their little friends and explain that the book fair money is in the backpack. 

Most days, I am already teaching a good forty minutes by the time this drop-off routine happens. It's been this way for years. I was sometimes the drop-off mom when my son Alex was in daycare, but many times my husband did the drop-off so I could get to work a little earlier.  Life changed, as it does, and now my mom comes with the sun every morning to our house, to help get Alex and Megan ready for their respective days. It's a gift to not have to get my son to daycare by 7:30am, to let him sleep more and wake up with a later school start time. I'm grateful for my mom and this new routine. She's the drop-off Naya (our name for Grandma) and I'm so glad she is, but sometimes I wish I could be the drop-off mom. 

Today is Megan's 3rd birthday and I've taken the day so I can bring treats to Megan's class and read them a story. I'm also going to read to Alex's class in the afternoon and bring treats to them, too. Today I am the story-reading, treat-toting mom. 

It's going to be a great day. 

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